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Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Review 3 : Movie "My Neighbor Totoro"

 A movie “My Neighbor Totoro”
            This is a Japanese animation. The title of this film in Japanese is Tonari No Totoro. All the characters in this film are described very cute. When I watched this film, I said “Waaaa! They are so cute. I wonder if they are real. I do want to meet them.” That was my first expression. This film is very attractive, not only the characters, but also the story. This film shows us how beautiful a family if the members love each other. The characters of this film are Kusakabe (father), Mei, Satsuki, Kanta, (Satsuki’s friend), Nanny (Kanta’s grandmother) and Satsuki’s mother. Totoro wasn’t the name of a person. Totoro was a kind spirit in the form of a cute animal. It wasn’t a bear or cat. You would know after you watched this film.
            The story began when they (just father, Satsuki, and Mei) moved to a new house. They looked so happy. They helped each other to clean the house. When they cleaned the house, Satsuki and Mei saw many soot angels. Actually, Satsuki and Mei could see the invisible one. Because the house had been stayed, all the soot angels were moving and leaving the house. Actually, this family wasn’t complete, because their mother was hospitalized. In the next day, Satsuki went to school. When father was busy, Mei was playing around the house alone. When Mei played in the garden, she found a seed. She walked and took the seeds. In front of the bushes, she met a spirit like a kitty. Then, she followed it into a tunnel. She walked and walked until she found a big tree. Again, in that tree, she found a seed. She tried to take it, but she was fallen into a hole. The hole connected with the place where Totoro slept.
            Satsuki went back from school and looked for Mei. But she didn’t found her around the house. She found her sleep in a tunnel. When Mei awoke, she tried to invite her sister and father to meet Totoro, but she was failed to find the place again. The next day, Satsuki asked Nanny to look after Mei while she was studying in the school, but Mei cried. So, Mei followed Satsuki in the school. After they were back from school, they picked up their father in the bus stop. They remembered that their father didn’t bring an umbrella, and now it was raining hard. They had waited for a long time but the bus didn’t come. Mei was sleepy, so Satsuki carried her on the back. Soon, something approached them. It was Totoro! Totoro waited for a bus too. But, when the bus came, Satsuki and Mei were astonished. Totoro’a bus was a big cat. Before Totoro left, he gave Satsuki and Mei a gift. Soon after Totoro left, their father arrived and they went back to home.
            When they arrived at home, Satsuki and Mei opened the gift immediately. The gift was some seeds. In the night, Satsuki and Mei dreamt meet Totoro. In that dream, Totoro and they were doing such a ritual to raise the seed quickly. There, they were also flying with Totoro and sat down in the top of a tree. When they awoke, they run into the garden quickly. They were glad because the seeds had become buds. Then, they joined Nanny in the field to pick some vegetables. When they enjoyed the vegetables, they got information from the hospital where the mother was treated. It made Satsuki feel panic and worried. Actually, their mother would come back from hospital this Saturday, but it was cancelled. Satsuki was afraid if something happened to her mother. When the condition was in disorder, Mei tried to go to the hospital. It was a pity that she was lost. All the people in that village looked for Mei. Satsuki asked for help to Totoro. Then, Totoro screamed and soon after that, a big cat bus arrived. The bus was ready to help Satsuki meet Mei. Right, they met each other. Then, the big cat bus brought them to the hospital. In the hospital, Satsuki and Mei could see that their mother was alright. After seeing their mother, they went back to home safely.
            Tonari no Totoro atau dalam bahasa Inggris diartikan My Neighbor Totoro adalah sebuah film animasi Jepang yang penuh dengan amanat-amanat positif di dalamnya. Menurut saya, Totoro adalah tokoh roh yang paling lucu dan menggemaskan. Tidak hanya dari penampilannya saja, tetapi juga dari tingkah lakunya. Satsuki dan Mei adalah kakak beradik yang dapat melihat hal-hal gaib seperti roh. Pada awalnya, hanya Mei yang melihat dan bertemu Totoro, tapi kemudian Satsuki juga bertemu dengannya saat berada di pemberhentian bus. Keluarga Satsuki adalah keluarga yang sangat harmonis. Mereka selalu menyayangi dan membantu satu sama lain. Suatu ketika Mei hilang karena berusaha menemui ibunya di rumah sakit untuk memberinya sebuah jagung. Tapi sayangnya, Mei tersesat dan semua orang di desa berusaha mencarinya. Satsuki menemui Totoro untuk meminta bantuan karena pencariannya selama ini tidak membuahkan hasil. Totoro pun membantunya. Mei dapat ditemukan dan pulang dengan selamat. Kekompakan dan keharmonisan keluarga di dalam film ini dapat memotivasi keluarga-keluarga di seluruh dunia. Film ini juga cukup baik untuk disajikan sebagai bahan tontonan anak-anak di rumah.

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Review 2 : Movie "Spirited Away"

A movie “Spirited Away”
            I have just watched this movie a few days ago. From the title, we can know that this movie is about a spirit. It is a Japan animation. This movie tells us about how much someone loves his/her parents. It also shows someone who is never desperate and keep on struggling to save his/her parents. Spirited Away is an interesting movie because we can’t guess what is going to happen. The characters from this movie are Chihiro/Sen (main character), Haku (the river’s god), Yubaaba (the owner of spirit’s bathing place), Kamaji (the steam kettle worker), Rin (Chihiro’s friend in the work place), Kaonashi (a monster), and Zenibaa (Yubaaba’s twin sibling).

            The story started when Chihiro and her parents moved to their new house, but they were lost. They found a mysterious tunnel. They entered to the tunnel. Actually, the tunnel was the way to a village. They explored the village but there was no one there. Then, Chihiro’s father found many delicious foods without any seller. Soon, Chihiro’s parents ate them with the intention to pay it when the seller back. But, Chihiro didn’t want to eat because she felt something strange in that area. Chihiro looked around the village and left her parents behind. When she came back to her parents, she saw that her parents had changed become two fat pigs.

            There she met Haku. Haku asked Chihiro to leave the village as soon as possible. It was dark when Chihiro tried to go out from the strange village. It was in vain to run away because the way to go back was disappear and became a sea. She came back to the village and saw many spirits there. She was afraid. She hid from the crowd. Haku found her and brought her entered the village once more. Haku told her to meet Kamaji and ask for a job. When she met Kamaji, Kamaji asked her to meet Yubaaba. He said that Yubaaba would give her a job. Finally, Chihiro could meet Yubaaba with a help from Rin. At first, Yubaaba refused to give her a job, but then she gave it. Chihiro made a contract with Yubaaba, but Yubaaba changed her name into Sen.

            Sen worked with Rin in the bathing place. When the morning came, the village was quiet again. At that time, Haku invited Sen to meet her parents. Sen was so sad to look at her parents who were pigs now. Sen promised to save them. It was dark again. Sen’s first job was done well, so Yubaaba liked her. The next day, Sen found that Haku was injured after stealing an important stamp from Zenibaa. Sen helped her. When she helped Haku, she remembered that Haku had ever saved her before. Sen helped Haku to remove the poison from her body by giving a herbal bread. It was successful. Sen had an intention to give the stamp back to Zenibaa. Kamaji gave her some tickets to take a train.

            Before it, Sen had to solve a problem. It was calming down Kaonashi who had made the bathing place in disorder. Sen was successful to bring Kaonashi leave that place. Kaonashi followed Sen. When Kaonashi followed her, he became a good spirit. He followed Sen to Zenibaa’s house. Zenibaa was a good witch. Sen gave the stamp to her. After a short conversation there, Sen asked for permission to come back. But, Kaonashi didn’t come with her anymore and stayed with Zenibaa. Actually, Haku picked her up. So, Sen could come back by riding Haku who changed become a blue dragon. On the way, they were talking each other. In that conversation, Sen found Haku’s real name. It was Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi. Haku was very glad to have her real name back. When they arrived at the village, Yubaaba was waiting for them in the bridge. She said that if Sen wanted her parents back, she had to guess which her parents in the crowd of pigs were. She was successful. Soon, she left the village and found her parents were standing near a tunnel where they came before. Finally, they left the tunnel and went back safely.

            Film animasi ini menceritakan kisah seorang anak yang berusaha keras untuk menyelamatkan orang tuanya yang berubah menjadi babi karena sihir. Anak itu bernama Chihiro. tetapi saat dia bekerja bersama para arwah namanya berubah menjadi Sen. Tidak mudah perjalanan Sen untuk menyelamatkan orang tuanya. Dia harus hidup berdampingan dengan para arwah. Dia harus menghadapi Yubaaba yang kejam. Tetapi di sana dia juga mendapatkan beberapa teman baru yang baik padanya yaitu Haku, Kamaji, dan Rin. Cerita film ini sangat menyentuh. Film ini menunjukkan bahwa kasih saying seorang anak kepada orang tuanya tak kalah besar dari rasa saying orang tua kepada anaknya. Semangat untuk terus berjuang dan pantang menyerah ditunjukkan dalam film ini. Film ini sangat bagus untuk memotivasi anak-anak di seluruh dunia untuk lebih dan lebih lagi menyayangi orang tuanya.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Review 1 : Novel "Romano"

Novel “Romano”

            I forget how many novels that I have read. This is one of the novels that I have read and I can say that yeah, it was a good novel. It is “Romano”. This novel was written by Nadine Zulia Putri. It was published on June, 2013. It has an interesting plot, so you won’t feel bored when you read it. Chapter by chapter, the writer will make you curious with what will happen. The story of this novel is about the power of love that can change someone into a great person.
The main character in this novel is Nayla Jasmine Kirana. She is a student of  senior high school in Palembang. She has a boyfriend, Romano. He is an environment quality control in the biggest mine company in Papua. They have built that relationship for 3 years. They love each other. They are always together even if they are separated miles away. Day by day, they just meet in the phone , Yahoo messenger or skype. One day, Romano got an accident when he worked in the mine. His lungs were 80%  infected by poisonous gasses, but he didn’t tell Nayla about it. Without telling Nayla before, Romano went to Palembang to meet her. Nayla was surprised when there was Romano in front of her school. Romano stayed at Palembang only three days.  They spent their precious time together.
Three days had passed. Romano had to go back to Papua. If they were lucky, they could meet each other in the next year. But, something wrong happened. Romano didn’t contact Nayla. Nayla was so confused. Romano disappeared. Every day, Nayla tried to contact him, but always there was no response. After a long time without any news from Romano, finally Nayla got a call from him. Nayla was so glad, but suddenly her face turned to be sad. Romano asked Nayla to end their relationship.
After they were broken, Nayla tried her best effort to be a better person than can make Romano astonished and regret his decision to end up with her. Right after that, Nayla was graduated from her college and got the best score. But, before she was graduated, in the last semester of her college, there was a boy who tried to approach her. His name was Putra. He was the best student in that college. Finally, Nalya and Putra got a scholarship in Singapura together for a year. They lived in the same house with their foster parents. In Singapura, Nayla got a wedding invitation from Romano’s best friend. There, she met Grace, Romano’s best friend who loved Romano. Grace said that Romano couldn’t come because he wasn’t in a good condition. Nayla was shocked. She had a bad feeling about it.
Soon after that, Romano’s sister told Nayla that Romano wanted to meet her. But now, Romano was in Japan to have medical treatment. As soon as possible, Nayla went to Japan. When she arrived there, she was shocked. She saw Romano lay on the bed weakly. She cried. All this time she didn’t know that Romano was seriously ill. Then, they had time to talk, just the two of them. Romano told her that he never told her about his condition because he didn’t want her to think about him all the time. He was afraid if his condition would derange her life. He was so glad to see her in her undergraduate ceremony, but not in her postgraduate ceremony. He also told her not to be gloomy because of him. He asked Nayla to keep on being cheerful. So, she could reach her dream. Nayla agreed with him. She promised that she would always be cheerful and show him that she could be a great person.
After that meeting, Romano died. Nayla was absolutely sad. But, there was Putra besides her. So, she could be cheerful soon. Now, Nayla worked in a mine company in Papua. She also got married with Putra and lived happily. As you know, Nayla still kept her love to Romano although just a little. She couldn’t forget him thoroughly. Fortunately, Putra could accept it because he did love her.
I suggest you to read this novel. The story is so heartwarming. It will give you a certain impression that you can’t forget. It tells how the power of true love can change a person into a great one. It also teaches us how to love and believe each other even there is a distance between us. A true love never lies. It can stay in our heart for a long time or forever.
Novel "Romano" adalah sebuah novel remaja yang menceritakan tentang kekuatan cinta yang dapat mengubah seseorang menjadi orang yang lebih hebat dari sebelumnya. Nayla, tokoh utama novel ini, memiliki seorang kekasih yang bernama Romano. Tetapi, hubungan yang sudah terjalin selama 3 tahun lebih itu harus kandas di tengah jalan karena kondisi Romano. Romano sakit keras setelah gas beracun menginfeksi paru-parunya sebanyak 80%. Romano tidak ingin menghancurkan masa depan Nayla dengan kondisinya saat itu. Romano memutuskan hubungan mereka tanpa memberitahu Nayla alasannya. Nayla berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk menjadi seseorang yang bisa membanggakan Romano. Benar, Nayla berhasil lulus S1 dengan nilai terbaik dan mendapat beasiswa S2 di Singapura. Dia menyelesaikan S2-nya dalam waktu satu tahun dan kemudian bekerja di sebuah perusahaan tambang besar di Papua. Waktu berlalu tanpa ada Romano di kehidupan Nayla sampai pada akhirnya Nayla mengetahui kondisi Romano yang sangat buruk. Dia segera menemui Romano untuk meminta maaf karena tidak mengetahui kondisinya selama ini. tidak lama setelah pertemuan mereka, Romano meninggal. Nayla memulai hidup barunya dengan menikahi Putra, teman semasa kuliahnya.