(An Experimental Study in The Eleventh Grade of
Natural Science 5 Class of SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga in The Academic Year 2015 /
A Proposal of Graduating Paper

113 13 051
In studying
English, there are four skills that we have to learn. There are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing skills. All four skills are connected each
other. First, we learn a language from listening. Then we try to speak using
that language. Reading is the next process that happens. The last is writing. Speaking
skill is one of the aspects in English learning which is very important. We
learn a language to be implemented in our communication. Sometimes, students
have difficulties in practicing speaking. Some of them claim that they are difficult
to speak using English because they have limited vocabulary. Besides it, they
also say that they are afraid if they do some grammar mistakes in speaking.
The difficulties
of speaking English are caused by some factors. They seldom practice the English
in their daily activity. The students must try to speak a simple conversation
using English. For example, they can greet their friends using English like
saying “Hey! Good morning”, “how are you?”, “where will you go?”. This simple
conversation will help the students to improve their speaking skill little by
little. They have to reduce the memorization technique of speaking English.
Sometimes, when the students get an assignment to perform a speech, they prefer
to memorize the script rather than memorizing the point of the speech. This habit
isn’t good for the development of speaking skill. So, we need to implement the
impromptu conversation technique in teaching speaking. This technique will
force the students to speak using English without any script memorization. This
technique is effective enough to improve students’ speaking skill.
In SMA Negeri 3
Salatiga, the learning process of English is dominated by learning the grammar
and reading. The learning process of speaking and listening are limited. The
teacher teaches students’ speaking skill through story telling. The teacher
asks the students to find out a story from many sources. Then, the students
have to read the story first. In the next meeting, the students come in front
of the class to tell the story to their friends. This is not effective enough
to develop students’ speaking skill. It is because in this technique, the
students tend to memorize the whole story rather than memorize the points of
the story and elaborate them with their own words. The teacher needs to
implement another technique, for example impromptu conversation technique.
Is there any effectiveness of implementing impromptu
conversation technique to enhance students’ speaking skill in the eleventh
grade of natural science 5 class of SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga?
How far is the effectiveness of using impromptu conversation
technique in enhancing students’ speaking skill in the eleventh grade of natural
science 5 class of SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga?
This study is aimed to know some aspects as following:
To find out if there is effectiveness of using
impromptu conversation technique in enhancing students’ speaking skill in the eleventh
grade of natural science 5 class of SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga.
To find out how far the effectiveness of using impromptu
conversation technique in enhancing students’ speaking skill in the eleventh
grade of natural science 5 class of SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga.
This study has
to be carried out because there are some problems in speaking that should be
solved as soon as possible. Speaking is one of language elements that is very
important. We learn a language because we want to be able to speak using the
language. The goal of learn a language is to be able to speak using the
language. In the real communication, there is no preparation before like
memorize a transcript to speak. So, this study should be done to give a problem
The writer guesses
that the impromptu conversation technique will be effective enough to enhance
students’ speaking skill in SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. It is because the writer
believes that the students in this school are the best students which are
selected and accepted through some tight procedures. So, the writer thinks that
the students will be able to speak English if they are trained regularly
through this technique.
The title of
this research paper is The Implementation of Impromptu Conversation Technique
to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill. The writer chooses to do this research in
SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. This senior high school is one of favorite high schools
in Salatiga. To register in this school, students must have a score at the
average of 8. So, the students in this school are really well-selected students.
The object of this research is the students of eleventh grade of natural
science 5 class academic years 2015 / 2016. The writer chooses natural science
class because in this class, language is not the main subject to be learnt as
done in the language class.
Enhance students’ speaking skill
Enhancing is the action to
change a rate to be higher than before. The change should not be significant,
but it is fine if it is little but continuously. Enhancing here also means a
development. Speaking skill is one of the four language skills that should be
developed by the students. Speaking is an activity of proposing our opinion to
others. The writer hopes that this technique will enhance students’ speaking
skill. It means that this technique will develop students’ speaking skill
better than before. Students’ speaking skill consists of speaking ability,
confidence, bravery to show up, and bravery to do some mistakes then repair it.
Impromptu conversation technique
Impromptu conversation
technique is a technique which invites the students to the real communication
using target language. Here, the target language is English. Some experts say
that this technique enables the students to speak English directly without any
preparation before such as memorizing a script. But, there are also other
experts that claim this technique still needs preparation before, such as
understanding the topic, determining the points of speaking, and the way to
develop those points. This technique forces the students to speak English
whether there are some grammatical mistakes or not. The students don’t have to
think deeply about the grammar when they speak through this technique. The
grammatical errors in this technique will be repaired along the time they learn
the grammar material. The goal of this technique is that the students are able
to speak English directly without any preparation before as in the real
This paper
consists of three chapters. Chapter I consists of background of study, research
questions, objectives of study, significance of study, hypothesis, limitation
of study, definition of key variable, and outline paper. Overall, this chapter contains
the reasons why we carry out this research, the aims of this research, and the
place that we choose to carry out this research.
In chapter II,
there are previous finding and theoretical framework. In previous finding, the
writer gives some discoveries of previous research related to this research.
The writer takes five journals to sustain this research. In theoretical
framework, the writer gives the theory of speaking and impromptu conversation
In chapter III,
there is research methodology. It consists of type of research method, type of
data collection, and approach of analysis. The writer chooses the experimental
method of research. To collect the data, the writer chooses to do observation.
She observes the students directly. To analyze the data, the writer uses
quantitative approach.
speaking skill can be improved through some ways or techniques. Here, we will
talk about enhancing students’ speaking skill through impromptu conversation
technique. Before that, we would like to discuss about the impromptu technique.
In The Systematic Use of Impromptu Speeches in Training Interpreting
Students journal by Ardito (2005) from University of Trieste, impromptu speeches
are a good pedagogical tool in the training of interpreting students. Here, Ardito
(2005) think that through impromptu speeches the students will be helped in
interpreting something. For English learners, if they want to understand
someone’s speech, they don’t have to translate it word by word but they can
interpret it wholly. To train their interpretation skill, the teacher may use
impromptu speeches. In Ardito (2005), Seleskovitch says that impromptu speech
is readily understood and translated. Assuming that the speaker's goal is
communication, in Ardito (2005), Seleskovitch states that the rate of delivery
of an impromptu speech is adjusted to the shaping of sense in the speaker's
In another journal, Impromptu Speaking as a Tool to Improve
Non-Native Speakers’ Fluency in English by Don Henderson from ELS Language
Centers Wagner College New York, he says that Impromptu speaking can aid
advanced ESL students in their confidence in formal speaking situations while
improving their general ability to communicate on all levels. Besides improving
students’ interpreting skill, impromptu speaking can also improve students’
confidence and communication skill. There, Henderson limited the discussion of
impromptu speaking activity as a lesson that teaches the students to focus
their speaking and listening skills as well as teaching them to organize a
logic idea. Henderson also states that impromptu speaking is a technique for
improving command of spoken English and listening comprehension and, therefore its
principal objectives are fluent and accurate speaking skills. So, it is clear
that the aim of implementing impromptu speaking technique is to enhance
speaking skill. In impromptu speaking, Henderson still finds some problems such
as the students are confused where they should begin, how to convince the
students to go around the “exact” word, and students’ unconsciousness that they
speak too fast.
of the main objectives of learning English as a Second Language (ESL) is to be
able to speak English impromptu, not just on the stage or in front of an
audience but also in a casual meeting, on the street or during a formal meeting
in a board-room. It is stated by Nawi, Yasin, and Champion in a journal, Impromptu:
Great Impromptu Speaking is Never Just Impromptu form Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh. They say that the ability to speak impromptu is
important because in the realization, English speakers will have a conversation
to give direction, orders and instructions, etc. which force them to do an
impromptu speaking. The third author of this journal tells that students with a
well-prepared speaking can’t speak well when they are asked to speak impromptu
such as in a job-interview. So, it is good for all teachers start to teach
speaking to their students using impromptu technique.
Speaking is to convey what the speaker intends to
say. That is a statement from a journal by Usep Syaripudin and Pia Nuristiana
from University of Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon with the title The Use of
Talking chips Technique in Students’ Impromptu Speaking. It means that the
speaker must be able to speak directly and share their idea without any
memorization. Because, sometimes when they use memorization technique, they
can’t deliver all what they want to say. In this journal, they discuss about
the effect of using talking chips in impromptu speaking. By using this
technique, students are enthusiastic to speak in English. All students have the
same chances to speak in English. They talk with their friends and share their
opinion about something. They found the improvement of students’ speaking
ability. It is shown that many students say a few sentences or less than one
minute in delivering their impromptu speaking. That is in the pre-test. In
post-test, several students are ready to give impromptu speaking by rarely
spoke Bahasa. There are also some students who deliver the impromptu speaking
make an interaction with their friends. From their finding, they have found
that talking chips technique is effective to students’ speaking ability.
In a journal from Jeng-yih (2006) (Tim) Hsu of
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Kaohsiung, Taiwan
entitled Multiword Lexical Units and Their Relationship to Impromptu Speech,
impromptu speech, perhaps
the most challenging form of public speaking, is however being promoted in
every city of the EFL countries. In Taiwan, dozens of impromptu speech contexts
are held throughout the island. Impromptu or spontaneous speeches can be threatening
enough if delivering in a mother tongue. Here,
the writer wants to take a closer to first look at the spoken messages conveyed
by the speakers and further examine the possible relationship between the
speakers’ use of MLU (Multiword Lexical Units) and impromptu speeches. From the
observation, the writer finds that there is a significant correlation between
the impromptu speech speakers’ performance and their use of lexical
collocations. The writer concludes that the frequency of MLUs, especially lexical
collocations, might be the key that affects the overall performance of
university EFL speakers’ performance while competing in an impromptu speech.
is one important skill in learning language. Speaking is an activity used by
someone to communicate with other(s). It takes place everywhere and has become
part of our daily activities. When someone speaks, he or she interacts and uses
the language to express his or her ideas, feeling and thought. He or she also
shares information with other(s) through communication. Speaking skill is
partly a reflection of someone whether he/she masters this language or not.
Speaking is one of the main purposes of language learning in that it is an
ability to transfer some ideas to other people clearly and correctly. In other
words, in other word he or she can communicate his or her ideas well to other
people (Argawati: 2014).
is one of the skills that should be mastered by the students in learning
English. In Argawati (2014), Bygate believes that speaking is in many ways an
undervalued skill. Perhaps this is because we can almost all speak, and so take
the skill too much for granted. Speaking is often thought of as a ‘popular’
form of an expression which uses the unprestigious ‘colloquial’ register:
literacy skills are on the whole more prized. This relative neglect many
perhaps also be due to the fact that speaking is transient and improvised, and
can therefore be viewed as facile, superficial, or glib.
In Argawati (2014), Burkart
says that speaking is an activity which involves the areas of knowledge, they
are the mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary); it is the use of
the right words in the right order with the right pronunciation. The functions
(transaction and interaction); it is knowing the clarity of message is
essential (transaction/information exchange) and when precise understanding is
not required (interaction/relationship building). And the social and cultural
rules and norms (turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pause between speakers,
relative roles of participant); it is understanding how to take into account
who is speaking to whom in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason.
Syaripudin and Nuristiana (2014), according to Anderson students still have
inability to speak English fluently because they feel shy to speak English and
they are not interested in speaking class due to lacking of chances and less
confidence to be active to speak. Therefore, the English teacher should provide
more chances for the students and motivate them every day. So, the students
will be brave enough to speak English. The teacher may also tell the students
that speak English isn’t difficult. It will be easy if they practice more
Impromptu Speaking
In Ardito (2005), according
to Goffman there are three main categories of delivering speech. They are
memorization, aloud reading, and fresh talk (impromptu speech). Impromptu speech or fresh talk in Ardito
(2005), according to Goffman's words is
a text formulated by the animator from moment to moment, or at least from
clause to clause with the assistance of notes. Impromptu or extemporaneous speech fits the
communicative model of language learning that is considered the dominant model
in language learning today and is considered an appropriate model for language
learning tasks for interpreters and translators (in Heinz 2013: Colina, 2002). In
Ardito (2005), Lehtonen gives a classification of speaking types in terms of
the immediacy of planning: a speech may be impromptu, i.e. delivered
spontaneously without prior preparation; extemporaneous, i.e. planned in advance
but presented freely; memorized, i.e. carefully prepared, committed to memory,
and delivered by rote; or it may be a manuscript delivery, i.e. a speech read
from a written manuscript.
In Ardito (2005), Enkvist provides
useful indications for identifying the main features of impromptu speech and
expressly avoids the use of the terms "unplanned" or
"unprepared" (as opposed to "planned" or "prepared")
discourse, claiming that all types of discourse involve a certain amount of
planning or preparation. So, although it is an impromptu speaking, it still
needs a preparation before. The preparation will be for example determining the
topic, the points of speaking, and the way they will be elaborated. The
speakers must think about them before performing an impromptu speaking.
In Jeng-yih (2006), Le Feal defines
impromptu speech as it is characterized by the simultaneous processes of
ideation (i.e., the elaboration and structuring of reasoning by the speaker as
he/she improvises) and expression in the speaker. Therefore, when the speakers
perform the impromptu speech, sometimes they feel afraid. They are afraid of
the difficulties in elaborating their ideas. But, if they have practiced many
times, they will feel that impromptu speaking is easier to do than memorization
speaking technique. If they use memorization technique, they will be getting
stuck when they forget the text. It is different when they use impromptu
technique. Through this technique, the percentage of being stuck during
performance is less. That’s why the writer of this paper thinks that impromptu
technique is able to improve students’ speaking skill.
In the other hand, some
experts such as Harmer and Larsen say that impromptu speaking is a kind of
speaking activity that asks the speakers to do speaking without any preparation
before. It means that people do impromptu speaking when they decide to speak spontaneously
and explain what they know about the topic. They think that impromptu speaking
is done spontaneously and usually happen in communication (Syaripudin,
Nuristiana: 2014).
The type of
research methodology used by the writer is experimental method. This method has
some terms such as cause and effect
method, pretest-posttest control
group design, and laboratory method (Leedy
1980 in Yunus: 2010). According to
Leedy in Yunus (2010), the experimental method is to attempt to account for the
influence of a factor or, as in the case of complex design, of multiple factors
conditioning a given situation. It means that this research is aimed to know
the influence of implementing impromptu conversation technique in teaching
speaking toward students’ speaking ability.
In teaching
speaking, the researcher will ask the students to do a conversation in pair in front
of the class. The researcher provides some topics and the students should
choose one of them to be their topic of conversation. Then, researcher gives
the students 5 minutes to prepare the point of their conversation. The
researcher observes their conversation and collects the data from it. Finally,
the researcher analyzes the result and interprets it whether impromptu
conversation technique gives significant differences in students’ speaking
The writer uses observation
to collect the data. She observes the students through two kinds of tests. The
first is pre-test. In this kind of test, the researcher asks the students one
by one to come forward to give a short speech about their selves. Through this
test, the researcher wants to know how far students’ ability in speaking. After
that, the researcher comes to the second test. It is post-test. This test is
carried out after the researcher implements the impromptu conversation
technique many times. By using this test, the researcher will be able to know
students’ speaking skill development after using impromptu conversation
technique. The documentation used by the writer is notes to record the data
observation and camera to perpetuate the process of observation.
Here, the writer
uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative research is a kind of research which
emphasizes the product rather than the process (Yunus: 2010). The writer uses a
statistical quantitative method because she wants to prove the hypothesis based
on the data which she gets from doing the research. In this research, the
writer teaches speaking using impromptu conversation technique. The technique
will train the students to speak directly without memorization technique but
the students still need a preparation before, such as preparing the topic and
the point of conversation. This technique will improve students’ speaking skill
in the real atmosphere or condition and also students’ confidence when they are
standing in front of the class.
Ardito, G. (2005): The
Systematic Use of Impromptu Speeches in Training Interpreting Students.
University of Trieste
Argawati, N.O. (2014): Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Using Group Discussion.
Surakarta: UNISRI
Heinz, M. (2013): Impromptu
Speaking and Interpretation Studies: A Preliminary Study. Republic of
Korea: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Henderson, D. (1982): Impromptu Speaking as A Tool to Improve Non-Native Speakers’ Fluency in
English. New York City: Wagner College
Jeng-yih, H. (2006): Multiword Lexical Units and Their Relationship to Impromptu Speech.
Kaohsiung, Taiwan: National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
Nawi, R.A., Yasin, B., Champion, I.C.R. (2015): Impromptu: Great Impromptu Speaking is Never
Just Impromptu. Aceh, Indonesia: Syiah Kuala University
Syaripudin, U. & Nuristiana, P. (2014): The Use of Talking Chips Technique in
Students’ Impromptu Speaking. Cirebon:University of Swadaya Gunung Jati
Yunus, Hadi S. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Wilayah Kontemporer. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
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